Fortnite Rocket League Set

Octane RL
Take your shot

Octane Cruiser
Dont forget to pack a little Octane

Rocket League Trophy
Go for the goal.

Nice shot!
Express yourself on the battlefield.

Regal Rocket
The original aerial.

Golden Goal
Leave your mark.

Octane Smash
Leave your mark.

Shot in Flight
Express yourself on the battlefield.
When was the Rocket League Set released?
This Set was added to Fortnite with the v14.20 Update. Some Cosmetics however may have been released and added to the Set at a later date.
How many items does it contain?
So far there are 2 Rare, 1 Gaming Legends, 5 Uncommon Cosmetic Items in this Skin Set. Fortnite can add more skins at any time.