
Fortnite The Wildheart Set

Beastfang Pickaxe icon


Passed down through the generations.

Battle Pass icon

Tier: 37

Wildheart Wrap icon


These colors desire combat.

Battle Pass icon

Tier: 39

Mave Outfit icon


Wildheart defender of the Tempest Jungle

Wildheart Buckler Back Bling icon

Wildheart Buckler

A conduit to the power of the Wildheart.

Battle Pass icon

Tier: 42

Eagle's Form Glider icon

Eagle's Form

Take to the skies with the power of the Wildheart.

Battle Pass icon

Tier: 44

How many items does it contain?

So far there are 3 Epic, 1 Rare, 1 Legendary Cosmetic Items in this Skin Set. Fortnite can add more skins at any time.